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CNC Engineering Integrates 3D Printing Solutions With CNC Machine Tools

CNC Engineering Inc. will now play a key role in the distribution, integration and support of the Meltio metal 3D additive manufacturing (AM) solutions for FANUC CNC and robotic systems in the U.S. market.

According to CNC Engineering Inc., it specializes in the integration and support of FANUC CNC machine tool retrofits, Renishaw probe and laser systems, rotary tables and additional axes, FANUC Robots and now Meltio solutions.

Meltio is said to take metal AM to the next level by developing high-performance, affordable and WNMU Insert easy-to-use metal AM solutions using wire laser metal deposition (LMD) technology, which the company says is the safest, cleanest and most affordable metal feedstock in the market.

CNC Engineering and Meltio say they have collaborated to design a solution that combines the power and reliability of FANUC CNC with cutting edge AM technology. This hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing solution is said to have several advantages, including offering one of the most affordable hybrid manufacturing solutions. It is also said to provide production savings as it offers nearly 100% material utilization. It can also generate complex geometries in a single process and combine different materials into a single part. Users can also utilize AM in their shops by taking advantage of existing machines, thereby saving floor space.

Tungsten Carbide Inserts
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Developing A Safer Way To Machine Magnesium

The tool’s cutting tip has a unique geometry that allows magnesium particles to flow through the tool’s hollow shank and into a collection container.

As flammable magnesium particles are created during machining, this internal extraction system vacuums chips and dust out of the machine tool through a hollow tool, tool holder and spindle.

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Internal Chip Extraction System Video: This online video shows an example of this internal chip extraction process.

Machining magnesium parts is risky business. The small chips and fine dust generated during cutting are highly flammable and pose a serious fire risk if not properly handled. These particles are commonly removed from the machine tool by means of a vacuum extraction system, in some cases using a hood mounted near the cutting tool to collect particles as soon as they are produced. Dry machining or use of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in conjunction with this extraction method allow chips to be recycled and can eliminate secondary part cleaning operations. However, auxiliary collection devices hamper both tool changes and machine high speed movements.

The use of oil-based coolants reduces, but doesn’t DCMT Insert eliminate, the fire risk. In addition, the magnesium particles mixed in oil can’t be recycled, and the machined parts would require extensive cleaning to remove oil residue.

Spain’s IDEKO research institute, part of the Danobat Group, has recently concluded a multi-company R&D project that aimed to develop a safer method of high speed magnesium machining. The result is a novel system of extracting magnesium particles by vacuuming them through a hollow cutting tool and spindle, and into a collection container. Think in terms of through-spindle coolant delivery in reverse.

The key components in this system are cutting tool, tool holder and spindle. The tools have hollow shafts and carbide cutting tips with special geometries. A circular interpolating tool motion facilitates chip collection for the end mill tool version, Machining Inserts as this yields smaller chips that are less likely to clog the flow through the system. Some tools also integrate a chip breaker to create even smaller, lighter chips. The system uses an HSK toolholder interface that is modified to prevent chip jams, and a through-coolant-type draw bar that is similarly tailored for optimal flow in reverse. (See online video above that shows an end mill pocket milling valve reliefs in the top of a piston.)

IDEKO determined that the system provides an average chip extraction rate of 95 percent for magnesium chips. Additional testing is being performed to verify system applicability for machining aluminum alloys. The key for use with non-magnesium materials is to generate chips that are small enough to be easily transported through the tool and the system’s other internal passages.

IDEKO estimates that this system will be commercially available by the end of the year. As environmental and safety regulations become more stringent, the system’s potential benefits become clear.

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