The deer season for 2012-13 is history, but that doesn’t mean that hunting season is over. Small game, like rabbits and squirrels, may still be hunted as well as grouse. But perhaps the most Carbide Drilling Inserts exciting hunting prospects are for geese.
Goose hunting can be fun and productive, and you do both the birds themselves and the landowners a favor by shooting a few. In recent years, the game officials have practically begged hunters to help keep the flocks under control with liberal limits and extended seasons. Yet, very few hunters take advantage.
One stumbling block is getting legal in the license department, which involves a trip to the long lines at the United States Postal Service to obtain a duck stamp. A hunter must also have a valid state hunting license and a Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Conservation Stamp. You also have to use a non-toxic shot such as steel, bismuth, tungsten or an approved allow – definitely not lead.
Make a note that your gun must be plugged to accept not more than three shells. In recent years, game laws allowed more than three shells for the deer season, and many shotguns used for deer are Carbide Threading Inserts also used for geese.
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