LATHE MACHINE CUTTING TOOLS,CARBIDE DRILLING INSERTS,CARBIDE INSERTS,We offer round, square, radius, and diamond shaped carbide inserts and cutters.


Dormer Pramet's SNGX11 Insert Enables High Feed Milling in Steel

The double-sided SNGX11 insert from Dormer Pramet is capable of high-feed milling with a depth of cut ranging to 0.07". A strong main cutting edge promotes durability and process security, especially when machining corners inside a pocket, the company says. The square-shaped insert has eight cutting edges.

Suitable for copy milling, helical interpolation,Milling inserts ramping, progressive plunging and face milling, the SNGX11 is available in two geometries. M is for machining steel as well as hardened steel and cast iron. MM provides a smoother cut and is more suitable for stainless steel, soft steel and superalloys.

Effective for vibration-sensitive machining, the chipbreaker features a highly positive geometry with narrow peripheral land. This is said to reduce chatter and to enable smoother cutting action without burrs on the machined wall. It also supports lower cutting forces, which not only reduces energy consumption, but also prevents work hardening for increased durability and longer tool life.

The insert range is supplemented by the SSN11 cutter, available in diameters ranging from 1.26" to 4.92" with intermediate sizes for die/mold APKT Insert applications. 

The Carbide Inserts Blog:

Requires of Perfection For Manufacturing of Bike Racks And Stands

There is an ever increase in the demands coming from people. The demands which make sure living is made easy are no doubt the best one to be taken care of.

With the ever-increasing pollution, there is always an increasing burden on Mother Nature. To help one get a solution which will not hamper the needs of the individual and even will help to have a sustained balance in the environment as well.

APMT Insert To help people and bring sustenance development, using bicycles is one of the ways devised to keep the daily work of people uninterrupted. While there are many possibilities of people using this service there are various possibilities of people feeling the need to have some other needs as well.

While the basic need that could surface and emerge out in concern with the bicycles: is to arrange them and have a shed or shelter. This would be the place where people can feel their asset and the helpful friend is safe, protected and properly placed.

The need is very basic yet could be taken into consideration with great care and enthusiasm. The people who have been taking care of this need and bringing all sorts of their efforts together are the one who is moved with one motto.

The Motto That Drives The CNMG Insert Team

To manufacture any sort of product even if it is bike racks or bike stands, there is a definite need for creativity but the team does not stop here only. They try and stand out from the rest of the world while proving the comprehensive customer care and support on an immediate basis.

People Who Enjoy The Services

The services provide bike storage is not confined to any residential complex or to any commercial complex within the city, but it has been taken out to the various boundaries like Transport for London, The Shard, Barclays, London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Cambridge University JP Morgan and numerous Local Authorities.

Things To Look Forward To

Bespoke Customized Products

While there are so many standardized products that the firm deals in one can also find bespoke products. The inclusion of a logo or particular thing in the manufacturing of such products helps in bringing the emotions of owning the product. This is taken care well by the team and hence each customer is helped to be satisfied and happy.

Work Ethics

Manufacturing things with a new taste have always been the best things to do. This manner could be made more satisfying for the customer when the old traditions of quality are mixed with the new touch of design. The overall need for satisfying customers remains the same with the new touch of innovative design and improved creativity.

No doubt there have been so many people who regard them as being the best. To get confused while making the decision is so right in this case. The work of this team has been recommended with various awards and rewards that the team has bagged which are for Growth & Marketing Excellence, Innovation, as well as Finalists for The National Business Awards 2012.

The Carbide Inserts Blog:

What Are The Super Duplex Steel Flanges?

At room temperature, Duplex is a Fe-Ni-Cr alloy with a two-phase ferritic-austenitic stainless-steel microstructure. Combining austenitic and ferritic grades has its benefits. It signifies that the finished metal has a better metallurgical structure. It is made up of two phases that benefit from both microstructures' features. Duplex steel is also widely used in heavy sectors such as chemical processing, gas, nuclear power, and oilfield service because of these qualities.

Super Duplex Steel Flanges are Available

Molybdenum (up to 5%), high chromium (19-28%), and reduced nickel content distinguish Duplex steels from austenitic stainless steels. 2205 (5 percent nickel, 22 percent chromium) and 2507 are the most often used duplex stainless steels (7 percent Nickel, 25 percent Chromium). Because of its superior corrosion resistance, 2507 is sometimes CNMG Insert called a "super duplex."

Duplex steels date back to the 1920s, with the first cast being created in Sweden in 1930. However, as steelmaking technology evolved, the popularity of employing solely duplexes began to increase roughly 30 years ago. Ferritic and austenitic metallic structures are the two forms of metallic structures utilized to create a duplex. They are suitable for a wide range of circumstances, however, they both have a flaw that prevents them from being used in 100% of cases.

Combining ferritic and austenitic steels can be made easier by creating a chemical composition. As a result, the metal has better stress corrosion cracking resistance, toughness, weldability, and strength. Because of the high strength of Super Duplex Steel UNS S32950 Flanges, the 0.2 percent PS range for Carbide Drilling Inserts contemporary duplex grades is 400-500 MPa. It may result in a reduction in section thickness and flange weight. This is especially advantageous for structural applications like bridges, storage tanks, and pressure vessels.

Advantages of Super Duplex Steel Flanges

Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion resistance is determined by the composition of the stainless steel, with nitrogen, molybdenum, and chromium being critical. Duplex stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, and it can withstand sulfide and chloride conditions. It also has a high resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). It's a sort of corrosion that can happen when certain conditions are met, such as a corrosive atmosphere, tensile tension, and a high enough temperature.


Duplex stainless steels are about twice as strong as normal ferritic and austenitic stainless steels.

Ductility and Toughness

Duplex stainless steel can outperform ferritic grades in terms of ductility and hardness, albeit it is not as soft as austenitic grades.


The weldability of duplex stainless steel variations is generally good. Even though they are more difficult to weld than austenitic grades, you may utilize typical welding procedures.

Heat Resistance

In comparison to austenitic steel, duplex stainless steel has a lower thermal expansion and a higher heat conductivity. Duplex grades can withstand temperatures of at least -50°C with ease. They are more ductile than ferritic steel grades at low temperatures.


The molybdenum and nickel content of duplex stainless steel is lower than that of austenitic stainless steel. This stainless steel can be less expensive due to its reduced alloying concentration. You may also be able to reduce the thickness of the material since duplex stainless steel has a higher yield strength. Thinner items have the potential to save you a lot of weight.

Ductility and Toughness

Duplex stainless steel outperforms ferritic grades in terms of ductility and toughness, while it is not as tough as austenitic grades.

Benefits of Super Duplex Steel Flanges

In comparison to austenitic and ferritic grades, stainless steel super duplex Flanges are less expensive. The material's yield and tensile strength are outstanding. For businesses, the two material properties provide the greatest option. Super Duplex Flanges have a thin wall thickness, which prevents performance and quality from becoming commoditized.

Super duplex is a word that was used in 1980 to describe a material's high alloying ability and performance. These Flanges have a high chromium content. It makes the Flanges resistant to caustic solutions comprising chlorine and acid and allows them to be used in them. In the petrochemical and chemical industries, these circumstances exist. When possible, super duplex stainless steel is used as a substitute for regular mild steel.

Features of Super Duplex Steel Flanges

Super duplex stainless steel Flanges are corrosion-resistant and have high strength. They are extremely beneficial in the chemical and maritime sectors. These Flanges are ideal for use in wire lines and architecture. Pulley equipment for lifting can also benefit from these Flanges. When compared to conventional duplex steel, super duplex stainless steel Flanges have better corrosion resistance. The ability of stainless-steel super duplex Flanges to resist stress corrosion and cracking corrosion makes them beneficial in a wide range of industrial applications.

The Carbide Inserts Blog:

Ten Ways Enterprise Solutions Affect Businesses

Enterprise solutions offered by some of the best infrastructure solution providers in Sri Lanka are a must for businesses of all sizes. By implementing an enterprise solution, you are able to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency within your company.

Increased efficiency and productivity

Enterprise solutions help companies to automate tasks and processes. This can free up time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks that help to grow the business. In addition, they can help to streamline communication between different departments within a company.

By using programmes such as these, businesses are able to work more efficiently and productively. This leads to increased revenues and profits. enabling the business to reinvest in its growth.

Types of enterprise solutions that can help to increase efficiency and productivity include:

  • CRM software.
  • ERP software.
  • Accounting software.
  • Project management software.

All of these software programmes are designed to help companies save time and money by automating tasks and processes.

Improved customer service

These solutions also help improve customer service by giving employees the ability to access customer information quickly and easily. This includes contact information, order history, and product preferences.

With this information readily available, employees are able to provide better and more personalized service to customers. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can translate into more sales and repeat business.

Easier access to data and analytics

They provide businesses with easier access to data and analytics. This allows companies to make better decisions about their products, services, and operations. It also helps them to track progress and performance over time, which can lead to more efficient and effective business practices.

Data and analytics can also be used to identify trends and patterns, which can help companies anticipate future needs and adjust their plans accordingly.

Example programmes include such things as:

  • Data mining.
  • Business intelligence.
  • Predictive analytics.

Increased security and compliance

Security is a big problem that many organisations face, and it is only getting bigger. With the rise of cybercrime, businesses need to be more vigilant than ever before. Enterprise solutions can help organisations to increase their security and compliance. By using advanced security features offered by network solution providers, companies can protect themselves from a range of threats.

They can also ensure that they are compliant with industry regulations and standards. This is essential for many companies, as non-compliance can surface milling cutters lead to hefty fines or even closure.

Some of the security features that they offer include:

  • Data encryption.
  • Access control.
  • Intrusion detection and prevention.

More streamlined operations

Better streamlined operations can help companies to be more efficient and productive. By automating tasks and processes, businesses can free up time for employees to focus on more important tasks.

They can also help companies to better manage their resources. This includes things like inventory, finances, and even human resources.

Some of the ways that enterprise solutions can help companies to streamline their operations include:

  • Automation of tasks and processes.
  • Resource management.
  • Workflow management.
SNMG Insert

Reduced costs and expenses

Overall costs are reduced when businesses use enterprise solutions. When you automate tasks, you can save on labour costs. And when you manage your resources more efficiently, you can save on things like inventory and other operational expenses.

Additionally, these types of solutions can help businesses to better negotiate contracts with vendors and suppliers. By having a clear understanding of your business needs, you can get the best possible deals on the products and services that you need.

Some of the ways that they can help companies to reduce their costs include:

  • Automation of tasks and processes.
  • Resource management.
  • Workflow management.
  • Contract negotiation.
  • Data analysis and reporting.

Improved communication

Businesses can improve their communication both within and outside the organization with these types of solutions which they can get from reputed virtualization solution providers. Improved communication can lead to better collaboration, customer service, and overall efficiency.

Some of the ways that enterprise solutions can help businesses to improve their communication include:

  • Email and calendaring.
  • Instant messaging and chat.
  • VoIP and video conferencing.
  • Social media integration.
  • Project management software.

Improved collaboration between team members

Collaboration between teams within the organisation can also be improved with enterprise solutions. This can lead to better communication and coordination between departments, as well as increased efficiency and productivity.

Some ways that can help businesses to improve their collaboration include:

  • Document management systems.
  • Intranets and extranets.
  • Project management software.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software.
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

Offers real-time access to information

These types of software offer businesses real-time access to information. This can be incredibly useful for businesses that need to make decisions quickly or need to keep track of what is happening in their organisation in real-time.

Enterprise solutions that offer real-time access to information include:

  • Business intelligence (BI) software.
  • Data warehousing and reporting tools.
  • Dashboards and scorecards.
  • Event management software.
  • Monitoring and logging tools.


Scalability options are another benefit of enterprise solutions. This means that businesses can increase or decrease the number of users, data storage, processing power, and other resources as needed. This can be very helpful for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations or are growing rapidly.

Some examples of enterprise solutions that offer scalability options include:

  • Virtualization software.
  • Load balancing software.
  • Clustering software.
  • Auto-scaling tools.

Overall, enterprise solutions can have a positive impact on businesses of all sizes. By increasing efficiency and productivity, they can help businesses save time and money while also improving customer service. When choosing an enterprise solution, it is important to select one that is suited to your specific needs and that offers the features and scalability options that you require. With so many different software available, there is sure to be one that can help your business reach its full potential.

The Carbide Inserts Blog:

Commercial Refrigerator Cleaning, Maintenance And Troubleshooting

Commercial refrigerators play a critical role in the food and catering business, and if they happen to go down suddenly, it can cost you dearly. A whole shipment of fresh produce or desserts might go just down the drain if your refrigerator does not work properly. RCMX Insert Refrigerators in any commercial kitchen deserve much appreciation than they generally receive, and often they are not even considered as an appliance that needs regular cleaning and maintenance. However, giving these devices their due attention is the only and most effective way to prevent the dreaded breakdown. The good thing is the preventive measures are simple. Regular cleaning and timely tune-ups can keep a high-quality commercial refrigerator running smoothly for years without any breakdown.


Cleaning is always the first and most important step of maintenance, and your refrigerator needs to be cleaned periodically. Do not use any harsh soap or hot water on the fridge. Any abrasive scrubber or brush are a strict no. Refrigeration systems made for businesses are heavy-built, and basically, they are Deep Hole Drilling Inserts quite easy to maintain. If you have spent in a good quality, 304 stainless steel made refrigerator with a branded compressor you have nothing to worry. Check out the cleaning instructions below,

  • Use mild soap water and a soft sponge. Soak the sponge in the soap water and rub the interior of the fridge with soft hands. Any spots or stains on the inner wall should come off without harsh scrubbing or rubbing. Regular spot wash is also a good option to keep the walls from getting stains.
  • The racks can be removed and washed separately with mild soap water and a sponge.
  • Wipe off the interior as well as the racks with a soft absorbing cloth to remove any water stain.
  • Let it dry completely before putting back the racks.
  • The exterior of the device can be dusted with a soft cotton cloth and any permitted agent as per the instructions of the manufacturer.
  • If the appliance comes with a freezer, clear the ice and the box without using any harsh tool or abrasive methods.

Note: It is important that you check and follow the instruction manual from your commercial refrigerator supplier before cleaning the appliance. Depending on the type of commercial refrigeration unit you have, professional cleaning might be necessary.

Professional maintenance

Irrespective of the type of refrigeration unit you are using in your business, it is only wise to get it checked routinely by a professional technician, even if it seems to run just fine. It is essential to understand that several critical processes are involved in creating the cooling effect, and the cycle goes on continuously without a halt. For best service, the evaporators, condenser coils, fan blades, fan motor of the unit needs to be cleaned and checked regularly for any wear or tear.

Routine checks of the drain lines, any air leak, loose electrical connections, and proper working of the filters can prevent a sudden breakdown of the device and ensure the long life of the device. Replacing a part that has worn off considerably before it gives up ultimately is the key to make sure that the fridge does not stop working all of a sudden. It also ensures that the unit functions properly and foods stored in the refrigerator are kept at a proper temperature without any worry for quality degradation.


This short troubleshooting guide is intended only to help you understand the reasons for common fridge problems better. It is recommended to opt for professional help in case any problem arises with the unit.

  • If the interior of the unit is warmer, it might be because of the high temperature in the room, a malfunctioning thermostat, damaged door hinges or broken door gasket. Dirty condenser coil can also be the reason.
  • If there is too much ice build-up in the unit, the auto-defrost function might not be working correctly. In the case of frozen coils, the chance of leakage is maximum. Get professional help.
  • Every refrigeration unit makes some noise, but if the noise seems more than normal, there might be a problem with the compressor or the fan.
  • Water leakage can happen because of a clogged drainage pipe or a full evaporator pan.

For any further information about troubleshooting of your commercial refrigeration unit, please get in touch with your supplier.

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