The Carbide Inserts Blog:
The Carbide Inserts Blog:
Posted on August. 12th, 2023, | By Estoolcarbide Project Manager
Hole manufacturing is largely underestimated because the majority of holes we make have trivial precision, small depth, and are only supposed to keep bolts. However, modern high-tech industries ( aerospace and automotive especially) come to the CNC services market with demands for manufacturing parts with extremely precise or deep holes, or for the holes to have a very precise position. Besides advanced CNC machining services, such demands require specific techniques and careful planning.
The hole manufacturing process is actually quite trying from the manufacturing point of view. The tool and the blank can be easily overheated because it’s hard to apply coolants into the hole, the process is not visible to the machinist so he can only rely on the machine tool information and must cut blindly, conducting measurements is hard especially in holes with small diameters. And those are only a few problems with hole manufacturing. So, in order to make precise holes, CNC services always develop and improve machining strategies, they invent new tools and tools to meet the requirements of the client.
Get instant Quote?Well, drilling itself is a common process and there is nothing interesting bout drilling short holes ut the deeper the hole the harder it is to keep its axis straight while drilling. That is due to the fact that a longer drill is less rigid while it has two cutting edges that cannot be made of identical length. So, the cutting force of the drill sides is different and the drill usually deviates from the straight axis and makes the hole lopsided. This is not acceptable for high precision CNC parts.
That’s why gun drilling has been invented. as the name suggests, it was first used to manufacture long stock guns, where a long but precise hole is the main requirement. Nonetheless, with the development of manufacturing technologies, other industries have adopted gun drilling for their own purposes. The main difference with this strategy is the tool. A gun drill has a single cutting edge so it does not deviate from its course the way a simple drill does. It has a larger chip removal groove that serves as a cooling channel as well. The coolant is pumped through the groove at high pressure and it removes the chip and cools down the drill much better. The downside of this method is that this drill cannot be mounted on a usual CNC milling center, it requires additional tooling.
CNC machine shops use gun drills in the most extreme cases but mostly they try to stick to the universal tools and that’s why Cemented Carbide Inserts there are certain strategies that allow drilling deep holes with simple drills. Firstly, the length of the hole is divided into segments with depths around 3-4 hole diameters. Every time, the drill reaches the end of a segment, it is ejected to let the blank and the tool to cool down and to get all the chips out of the hole.
In order to make a precise hole, CNC drilling is usually carried out with multiple instruments, the first one being considerably smaller than the hole diameter and increasing with the next tool. That is done to decrease cutting force and thus axis deviation due to the reason mentioned above. In addition, consecutive methods are often different from simple drilling:
Core drilling is carried out right after drilling. A core drill has three cutting edges instead of one so it is more stable. Core Deep Hole Drilling Inserts drills usually process a cut the depth of which is mere 0.5 mm but their absolute advantages are the ability to correct the axis.
Reaming. If your client demands a hole with a tolerance up to IT6 and a very smooth surface finish, you take a reamer and make your machining feed extremely low. A reamer is a tool with a lot of long cutting edges situated along the sides of the tool. It has?front cutting blades but they are extremely small so the cutting depth while reaming is around 0.1-0.05 mm. Due to that and the ultimate precision of the cutting edges, reaming will yield great holes. For smaller holes, reaming is done manually.
Honing is an abrasive process but it can be carried out on a CNC machine tool, however, special honing machines are definitely better. A hone is basically a reamer with abrasive planks instead of cutting blades. Another difference is that the planks can be adjusted for the right diameter. The hone is inserted into the hole and it revolves around its axis while the planks grind the material. Once the hone is ejected, the revolution direction is reversed. As a result, the surface of the hole has crisscrossed microscopic grooves, which make lubrication much more efficient.
A lot of holes require threads, which are comprised of complex thin surfaces and are actually pretty hard to machine. There is a number of strategies for threading but before that,? it is absolutely necessary to carry out countersinking or counterboring. Those two processes create a conical or cylindrical groove at the entrance of the hole. It allows the threading tool to enter correctly and further on helps with assembling the actual parts. So, here are some strategies to threading.
Tap drilling uses a single tool that reminds a bolt but has chip removal grooves and a long conical area at the front to gradually increase cut depth. The machining feed during threading with a taper ( and with any thread for that matter) is the same as the screw pitch. The tap drill is slowly inserted into the hole where each of its spiraling cutting edges gradually cuts off a piece of material to form the thread. Small holes are machined manually, in which case the hole process reminds screwing in a vary tight bolt. The tap drill must be ejected with great care the same way it was inserted. If you forget that and try to eject the tap drill without unscrewing, you can break it and will have to get it out with Electrical Discharge Machining.
Thread milling yields better results because the temperature of the process is lower and it is much easier to apply coolants. A special mill that is 30-40% smaller than the diameter of the hole moves in a spiral along the trajectory of the drill groves and revolves around its axis for efficient cutting. The minimum diameter of the hole depends on the minimum diameter of the mill.
Another strategy is called thread boring. It is actually the same as turning in regards to part setup and the main movements but the tool is manufactured to copy the form of the thread groove. So, it is fed with the screw pitch into the hole of the part and cuts the spiraling surfaces of the thread. It is important to note that boring is great for large holes but can not process holes smaller than 20 mm.
Contact Us-Estoolcarbide?to discover how?precision CNC machining?to design part holes for your project.
The Carbide Inserts Blog:
The Carbide Inserts Blog:
After buying a drawing die, what everyone cares about most is how to operate it according to the standards and how to maintain it to be wear-resistant. Today, we will share with those who have a drawing die or who want to buy a drawing die how to maintain the drawing die to be wear-resistant.
After the cemented alloy or carbide alloy drawing die is used for a period of time, its internal parts will gradually wear out and be damaged, which will reduce the working performance and accuracy of the cemented alloy drawing die. Due to the carelessness Carbide Inserts of the operator and improper maintenance and use, the carbide drawing dies will also be damaged and the product quality will be degraded, or even the production will be stopped. How to eliminate and avoid these faults? It requires more cemented alloy die bench workers to master the relevant die repair technology, so that whenever failures occur, they can be dealt with and repaired at any time. And the die can return to normal use as soon as possible, and the greatest potential of the die can be exerted.
The following introduces the influence of different material cores on the service life of drawing dies:
1. Cemented alloy
The cemented alloy used for drawing dies is a carbide with low cobalt content - Tungsten-cobalt alloy. It has the good wear resistance, impact resistance, polishing and corrosion resistance, which is easy to repair, and has a low price. It is a commonly used material for drawing die cores and is widely used for drawing thick and medium wires. Studies have shown that by improving the composition and structure of the cemented alloy, controlling the fluctuation value of the carbon content, and refining the carbide particles, the performance of the material can be improved and its service life can be prolonged.
At present, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) treatment, ultra-fine grain technology and rare earth elements are used at home and abroad to reduce porosity, refine grains, increase alloy hardness, and reduce friction coefficient; And use chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and physical vapor deposition (PVD) method to form diamond film or titanium nitride coating on the surface of cemented alloy to improve the surface strength of the alloy.
2. Natural diamond
Natural diamond, commonly known as diamond, is the hardest substance in nature. It has high wear resistance and thermal conductivity. When used for tungsten molybdenum wire drawing, it can improve the surface quality of the wire, and improve the performance and dimensional accuracy of the wire. It is mainly used to draw thin and finished wires. But it is very brittle in nature, poor in impact resistance, and anisotropic in hardness, which makes it easy to wear unevenly when making drawing dies. In addition, diamond is scarce, expensive, and difficult to process, so it is restricted in drawing medium and thick wires.
3. Synthetic diamond
Synthetic diamond is also called polycrystalline diamond. It is a polycrystal formed by the non-directional polymerization of many single crystal particles. It has high strength and hardness, strong impact resistance, uniform properties and good overall performance. In the process of drawing medium and thin wires, its service life is longer than that of diamond die and cemented alloy dies, and the size of the wire is stable, and the surface quality is good.
However, the artificial polycrystalline diamond has relatively coarse grains and is difficult to polish, and the Carbide Stainless Steel Inserts surface smoothness of the drawing thin wires is not as good as that of natural diamond. By refining the crystal grains, the polishing performance can be improved, and the natural diamond can be replaced by it on the drawing dies for medium and thin wires, which greatly reduces the cost and improves the product quality.
The Carbide Inserts Blog:
Many machine shops are continuously emerging as the market for custom parts exponentially grows and this leaves us with many CNC shops to choose from. Of course, all of us want to get the best quality for our parts, so if I would choose a CNC machine shop near me, I would look for the one with a competitive edge that offers the highest value for my buck. This includes high quality of workmanship, quick turnaround time, and on-time delivery. For a facility to achieve this competitive advantage among others, they have to incorporate efficiency in their processes, and one of the most established and effective ways for this is through the application of lean manufacturing principles.?
Firstly, when we talk about lean manufacturing, we are Carbide Turning Inserts referring to maximizing the production of a CNC shop by minimizing the wastes incurred during the production process. This methodology comes from the best practices employed by Toyota in their production line way back in the 1930s, wherein their main goal is to eliminate wastes in their operation.
Through the evolution of this method since its discovery, industry experts identify the 8 major categories of industrial wastes, and this can be abbreviated as DOWNTIME: Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-utilization of talents, Transportation, Inventory excess, Motion waste, and Excessive processing.
1.? Defects
In a CNC machine shop, this may include scrapped parts due to dimensional inaccuracy, undesired surface finish, and any other defects on the machined part. These defects are usually caused by different Carbide Grooving Inserts factors such as poor machining parameters, machine malfunction, low-quality tools, uncalibrated instruments, and poorly planned machining processes.
2.? Overproduction
This industrial waste comes from the oversupply due to blindly producing parts in such a way that the produced parts exceed the demand. This sometimes roots from poor planning and uncoordinated orders for parts.
3.? Wait time
This is a waste because of the unutilized time which can be used for valuable production steps instead. Some examples include stop-production due to the non-availability of materials and due to machine breakdown. The wait times in production may be caused by poor planning, unforeseen machine downtime, and many more.
4.? Non-utilization of talents
This includes the failure to use an employee’s talent and skills effectively.
5.? Transportation
This is a type of waste characterized by excessive transport from a process to another. To put it into other words, transport wastes are the unreasonable steps on a process that can be eliminated or improved in exchange for a more efficient step.
6.? Inventory excess
In CNC machining facilities, this waste comes next to overproduction wherein excess inventory might cause losses for a CNC shop. Remember that parts produced that are stuck in a warehouse produce no return for a company and that is why this is considered industrial waste.
7.? Motion Waste
This extends to the unnecessary movement of any resource that does not add value to the product as a whole. In a CNC shop, this includes the non-strategic placement of different tools, materials, and workstations.
8.? Excessive Processing
In fabricating machined parts, excessive processing includes doing unnecessary processes that yield no significance for the customer’s requirements. This is usually a result of a poorly engineered machining process.
These different wastes led us to the main basis which can be used by machine shops in implementing lean manufacturing and these are:
Establishing the customer’s expectations and requirements for their partsMapping of a CNC shop’s value streamCreation of an efficient flowEstablishing an effective pullPursuing continued excellenceTooling efficiency is a critical factor for a machine shop because this single factor can make or break the quality of parts produced by any CNC machine. It is essential to choose the right tools in assuring a high cutting quality, and in turn, will minimize defective parts due to poor tooling utilization.
Manufacturing engineers carefully plan their parameters (e.g., feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut, etc.) in such a way that they’ll get the most value out of the CNC machine, the material, and the toolings. In addition to the parameters, is the importance of designing the most effective arrangement for different machining processes. Doing these will minimize wastes related to defects, motion, and excessive processing.
Machine downtimes are by far one of the major reasons for unnecessary stop productions in the fabrication line, that is why diligent compliance to scheduled maintenance is a must. Unforeseen downtimes are significantly reduced with regular maintenance and checking of the different equipment, which leads to the reduction of wastes relating to waiting, defects, and non-utilized talents.
JIT is achieved through smart planning and scheduling for various resources. Another leading cause for the unnecessary waiting in a CNC shop is the unavailability of raw materials to work on. To prevent this from happening, planners strategize the most effective methods regarding the in-flow, processing, and outflow of different resources.
It is important to strategize the organization and placement of different instruments needed in the production of CNC parts. As simple as applying 5S ( Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) in a working environment can make a significant difference in the organization of a workflow. This eliminates wastes relating to motion and non-utilized resources.
In a CNC machine shop, plant layout is one of the essential matters to be taken seriously to avoid unnecessary wastes brought by excessive transportation. Sample scenarios would be: racks for raw materials should be placed near the blanking operations, machines are arranged to easily transport the part to the next machining process, finishing equipment is placed near the packaging area.
Lastly is the sustenance of the best practices of the CNC shop. In the long run, CNC shops that continuously improve their processes are the ones able to deliver the highest quality parts with promising delivery commitments.
The Carbide Inserts Blog:
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