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Roughing vs. Finishing End Mill: How Do They Differ?

Are you new in the industry of milling? Or are you having a tough time recognizing the type of milling? You may need to consider working hard on your milling knowledge. Out of the most common milling tools, there are roughing end mill and finish end mill. They may seem similar to many people, or you can say to people who are beginners or who do not have knowledge about it. However, if you want to progress in the industry and know the clear distinction between both, I recommend you read the blog till the end. In this blog, we will thoroughly look at the difference between roughing end mill and a finishing end mill.

Unlike drill bits, End Mills rotate horizontally or laterally (side-to-side) rather than vertically. Material and surface finish should be considered when selecting endmills. Many types, sizes, and flute shapes are available. Using it, you can slot, profile, contour, counterbore, and ream. End mills are also used for engraving designs, cutting plastic, making molds, and making circuit boards, in addition to cutting precision parts.

Compared with standard end mills, roughing end mills remove much more metal, including large amounts, quickly and efficiently. When used to remove stock from low to medium carbon steel or alloy steel before finishing, coarse tooth end mills remove large chips from heavy cuts, deep slots, and rapid stock removal. When cutting high-temperature alloys and stainless steel, fine tooth roughing end mills remove less material but apply pressure to many more teeth, ensuring longer tool life and a smoother finish. Metal chips break into smaller segments due to scallops on the outside diameter of these mills. Cutting pressures are therefore lower at a given radial depth. When large amounts of material need to be removed, they are used mainly to rough mill it off. AlTiN or ZrN PVD coating is often applied to carbide, cobalt, and HSS substrates. In terms of pitch, they are available in coarse, medium, and fine varieties. Long, extra long, and stub versions are available. Since the milled materials differ widely, helix angles and flute configurations also vary. They come in a wide variety of diameter sizes from 1/8″ to 3″.

In addition to being smooth as traditional end mills, finishing end mills have the advantage of rapidly removing large amounts of material. A two-step hogging/finishing process takes longer, while this process saves time. Resharpening tools will extend their life without modifying their shape. We offer a wide range of coatings, tool materials, and flute numbers to meet most machining requirements. One square end and a smooth outside diameter characterize a finishing end mill. There are a different number of flutes and helix angles on each helix. These tools are mainly used for side milling operations.

A rough cut is applied to impart a basic shape according to desired characteristics as a first step. It is not essential here to consider surface roughness; instead, removing the most significant amount of unwanted material from the surface is more important. In contrast, finishing passes are performed to improve surface quality, dimensional accuracy, and tolerance. Finish passes do not take into account stock removal rates.

Almost every conventional machining process results in the appearance of scallop marks or feed marks due to the velocity of the feed. Roughness on the surface is caused by scallop marks similar to saw teeth. The feed rate is the only factor directly responsible for surface roughness other than tool geometry. The surface finish of a product can be negatively affected by a higher feed rate. A higher depth of cut also degrades surface finish and machining accuracy. As a result of rough cutting, more excellent feeds and deeper cuts are utilized, resulting in poor surface finishes. It also does not meet the requirements for close tolerances and high dimensional accuracy. By contrast, finish passes require very low feeds and shallow cut depths, improving finish, accuracy, and patience.

Surface finishing helps to improve surface finish, tolerance and minimize errors. Roughing is primarily used to remove excess material from a piece. In addition, roughing is conducted at a higher feed rate and a deeper cut depth. A roughing process also removes more material than a finishing process.

The surface quality produced by both the end mills is better if we compare that of the roughing and finishing process. Unlike roughing, finishing can provide high dimensional accuracy and close tolerance, whereas roughing cannot.

It is the degree of roughness that determines the degree of demand placed on the inserts as well as the cutting angles. Surface finish is usually improved by using positive rake inserts when finishing machining. Some aspects of negative rake inserts make them most suitable for rough machinings, such as absorbing cutting forces, which makes higher cutting speeds possible.

  • It is possible to realize fast feeding when using roughing operation, and this error can be corrected afterward when using the finishing operation to ensure a high level of quality.
  • It is possible to utilize the advantages of rough and finish machining equipment to the fullest extent by dividing the processing stages.
  • When rough machining blanks, sand holes, air holes, and insufficient machining allowances can be discovered, the defect can be repaired or scrapped as soon as possible, reducing processing times and costs.
  • The residual stress will be great after hot working, so separate the rough and finish machining. After cooling, age the product to remove residual stress.
  • Surfaces from different stages can be protected from wear by rough machining before mechanical finishing.
  • It has a low feed rate, making it a good choice for beginners.
  • Despite its small size, it produces a good quality surface finish.
  • Compared to other methods, it provides highly accurate dimensional measurements.
  • There is a low amount of material removed by a finishing end mill.Carbide Inserts

High-quality tools should be designed when milling at high speeds and temperatures (which can cause premature tool wear). Coatings should also resist oxidation at such high temperatures since oxygen becomes reactive. By combining fine-grade substrates with the coating, both toughness and hardness are simultaneously increased.

A great deal of emphasis should also be placed on edge preparation. A homogeneous, deliberately rounded-off cutting edge prevents cracks from forming, minimizes wear, and ensures even abrasion. Various materials can be machined with milling cutters that possess these characteristics.

During rotation, the cutter’s cutting edges form a slot whose width is determined by its diameter. The smaller the cutter diameter, the greater the clearance within tight pockets, and the larger milling inserts the tool, the greater the rigidity for jobs with high volumes. If the cutter diameter is selected incorrectly – either too large or too small – the job can’t be completed, or the final part won’t meet specifications.

During an operation, the most extended contact length should determine the end mill’s cut size. Ensure that this only lasts as long as necessary. Minimizing overhang, increasing rigidity, and reducing chatter will be achieved by selecting the shortest tool. To avoid making long cuts in applications that require a depth greater than 5x the tool diameter, it may be best to explore necked reach options instead.

End mills are most commonly designed with a square, corner radius, or ball profile. There are 90-degree angles on the corners of the flutes on a square profile end mill. By replacing the fragile sharp corner with a radius, corner radius profiles prolong tool life, adding strength and preventing chipping. Lastly, a ball profile is a profile that has flutes without a flat bottom and is rounded off at the end. An end mill with this style is considered to be the strongest. Unlike a sharp edge on a square profile end mill, an entire rounded cutting edge has no corners and removes the most likely failure point from the tool. Part requirements are often considered when choosing an end mill profile, such as square corners within a pocket, which require a square end mill. Consider using a tool with the most effective corner radius possible when designing your part. Corner radiuses are recommended whenever they are allowed by your application. Use a corner radius tool for rough corners, then finish with a square profile tool if square corners are necessary.

As a result of their limited capabilities, regular carbon steel is usually not an option. Consequently, when it comes to getting the job done at a very reasonable price, HSS (high-speed steel) is the best choice. Furthermore, because of the rate at which it wears out, other options may be better if the product is used for an extended period.

Among them, cobalt-bearing HSS can be milled at even faster speeds than HSS without cobalt. As a result, most jobs can be performed with them, making them suitable for most applications.

Concerning the properties mentioned above of such milling machine tools, cemented carbide is another step toward high-performance milling. The up-front costs are higher but more cost-effective in the long run.

It will help you narrow down your end mill selection considerably if you know the material you are working with and its properties. Mechanical properties determine how a material behaves when machining and every material has unique characteristics. The machining strategy is different for plastic materials, and the tooling geometries differ from steel ones. Tool performance and longevity will improve by choosing tools with geometries suited to those unique characteristics.

An abrasive milling bit consists of channels called flutes. An angled milling bit’s feed rate is determined by how many flutes it has. The downside is you’ll end up with a significant milling bit, leaving fewer spaces for metal bits cut off from the workpiece due to a high number of flutes.

In addition to delivering excellent chip evacuation, helix four- and five-fluted routers have a multi-layer AlCrN coating to provide extended tool life. High feed rates and high speed are designed into the tool geometry. Besides having a radius on the corners, sizes are available in standard lengths and extended reach to accommodate milling in tight spaces.

Your CNC machining tool has a coating of some kind that also affects the way it performs. A layer, such as titanium nitride can extend the tool’s lifetime, but the cost of the coating also increases. Some types of coatings can also reduce the amount of lubricant needed during the use of your tool since they make it less sticky.


  • Your work will be of better quality if you use the appropriate tooling for the material and project, reducing the need for excessive hand-finishing.
  • Matching the material feed rate with the end mill’s optimal speed is essential.
  • Your end mill’s life can be doubled if your operating speed is reduced by 50%.
  • Proper chip evacuation is key to optimum cutting quality – heated cutters can cause burned material, burred edges, and dull tooling.
  • High-production applications and more complex materials require carbide end mills.
  • To avoid deflection, use rigid end mills if extra-length end mills are needed.
  • Chips can be prevented from building up with coolant or compressed air.
  • Instead of using a small portion of the cutting edges, use the entire side. Increasing the surface area of your endmill will extend its shelf life.

Choosing the right tool is essential when performing CNC machining, as it is a critical factor in the project’s success. The CNC machining needs of Huana Tools are more efficient than those of other companies. You must know which tool to use in each position since every position requires a different tool.

















The Carbide Inserts Blog:

How to develope the machining process routes

As a manufacturer of prototype machining, Carbide Milling Inserts we have advanced CNC equipments and we are very good at machining workpieces with more complex structures. Before the workpiece is put on the machine, the engineer will usually simulate the machining process route and the principles referred to are as follows.

Parts in the process, as a positioning reference surface should first be processed out, in order to provide a benchmark for the subsequent processes as soon as possible.

Surfaces with high processing quality requirements are divided into processing stages, generally can be divided into roughing, semi-finishing and finishing three stages. The purpose is mainly to render?certain the quality of processing; It is conducive to rational use of equipment; It provides convenience to the arrangement of heat treatment process; and facilitates the timely detection tungsten carbide inserts of defects in the raw material, etc.

For the housing parts, brackets and connecting rods and other parts, flat surfaces should be machined first before holes. This can be positioned with the flat surfaces to process the hole, to render?certain the positional?accuracy of the flat surface and hole, and to bring convenience to the processing of the hole on the flat surface.

The finishing process of the main surfaces, such as grinding, honing, fine grinding, rolling processing and other finishing processes, should be placed at the last stage of the machining process route. When the surface roughness of the workpiece after machining is below Ra 0.8, slight collision can damage the surface. Direct contact with the workpiece by hand or other parts after the finishing process is normally not permitted to avoid damage to the surface due to transfer between processes and mounting between workpieces.

After introducing the general situation of machining process arrangement, then introduce the following principles when encountering certain specific situations.

Because the workpiece in rough machining, the cutting tool cutting volume is very large, The workpiece will be subjected to great cutting and clamping forces, the surface of the workpiece will generate a lot of heat and thus cause the surface of the more significant machining hardening phenomenon, then there will be a large internal stress of the workpiece. If roughing and finishing are performed continuously, the internal stresses of the finished part will be redistributed, which will cause the dimensional accuracy of the workpiece to exceed the limits. For some custom machined parts with high precision requirements, low temperature annealing or aging process is usually arranged after rough machining and before finishing, so as to eliminate the internal stress of the parts.

Roughing is mainly to cut off the machining allowance of the workpiece, and the requirement for machining accuracy is not very high, so roughing should be in the machine tool that the power is high and accuracy is not too high. Finishing process requires high precision of machine tool. Rough machining and fine machining are arranged in machine tools of different precision for processing, which can not only give full play to the capacity of equipment, but also extend the service life of precision machine tools.

The arrangement of the heat treatment processes location can be referred to as follows:
(1) Annealing, normalizing, tempering before machining can improve the cutting performance of the metal;
(2) Aging treatment, tempering after rough machining can eliminate the internal stress of the workpiece and before finishing;
(3) Carburizing, quenching, tempering after machining can improve the mechanical properties of the part. If the workpiece has very large deformation after heat treatment, another final machining process needs to be arranged next.

When develop the machining process of the parts, due to the different types of production of parts, there are very different of the methods used to add, machine tools and equipment, clamps and gauges, blanks and technical requirements for workers.

The Carbide Inserts Blog:

Appearance Prototype For Automotive And Aerospace Industry

Posted Carbide Drilling Inserts on: Aug 22, 2018, | By Candy, WayKen Marketing Manager

Your questions on how your product will feel and look once finished are answered by the appearance prototype. An appearance prototype is usually the physical representation that looks and feels closely like what your final product would be once put into final production. Appearance prototypes often do not function the way the final product would work, just like the presentation prototype, they both are merely made in order to show the stakeholders, the designers and the media on how the perceived design will turn out to look in the end. The appearance prototype usually does not have movable parts or inside of the structure, for example, an engine or a drivetrain in a car’s prototype.

With the rise of the prototyping technologies, the use of CNC machined and 3D printed parts are now heavily used in appearance prototyping in order to make the prototypes as close as possible to the actual product. The materials used at this stage include 3D printed plastics, CNC machined RenShape, solid wood, clay, medium density fiberboard (MDF), sheet metal and paint.

Appearance prototyping is part of almost all the industries and before the launch of new products in the market, appearance prototyping is effectively carried out. Here are some of the well-known industries that incorporate this prototyping phase more commonly as others in order to generate revenue, public interest and to satisfy the shareholders.

The CNC machining and various hand modeling techniques are heavily incorporated in the automotive industry in order to come with precisely engineered prototypes in order to create the models as close as possible to the approved designs. With new models of cars being displayed at major motor shows in order to evaluate the market demands and to gain media attention, fine details of the exterior are being carefully worked upon by companies. A mixture of hand and CNC clay modeling technique is one of the most commonly used techniques in the automotive prototyping sector. Since the prototypes need to grab the attention of the investors and the prospective customers, the appearance prototype is made sure to ‘WOW” its viewers. Such levels of details can be achieved easily via CNC prototyping.

Hand clay modeling carried out in order to be fine-tuned via CNC

The production model of the prototype shown earlier

UAV Airframe Prototyping

UAVs have been on the boom since the past 2 decades and so is the technology that is involved in manufacturing them. UAVs, especially for the military uses have to go through intense biddings from different contractors therefore, each contractor makes sure that the appearance prototype is both eye-catching and finely machined to meet the customer demands. In order to do so, autoclave prepreg materials and CNC machining with low-cost cutting tools are used in order to keep the prototype under budget as well as striking enough to make a deal. CNC enables the companies to spend more of their time designing the product and less time on prototyping thanks to modern rapid prototyping techniques.

UAV Developed by Air Marshall Inc, on Display at an Airshow

All the industries need precision in their product but it is a bit more important in the aerospace industry as opposed to other industries. Small deviations in the precision of the aircraft fan blades or small missing out of the screw of the landing gear can make the air travel a lot more dangerous. Therefore, in order to obtain supreme precision and time-effective production, CNC is one of the main techniques in both the prototyping and the manufacturing of the aircraft. Modern aircrafts such as Boeing 787s and Airbus 350s, all use high surface CNC polishing followed by layers of paint coatings in order to prevent corrosion on their prototypes. These prototypes are then used to fly in international airshows demonstrating the aircrafts’ capabilities and performance.

Airbus A350 prototype on demonstration of its airframe integrity

Along with the manufacturing of airframe and avionics of the aircraft, the interior is also carefully planned and prototyped. The cabins are what makes airlines great and each and every airline tries to get the best out of their interiors. In the initial offerings made to the public, especially during mock-ups of the cabins of new aircraft, all sorts of prototyping techniques are used to make appearance prototype as appealing as possible.

Computer Industry

With the launch of new products and prototypes every year at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, we tend to see beautifully crafted mobiles and laptops with every passing year. Each of the appearance prototypes is a result of incorporation of different rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing and 5-axis CNC machining and polishing. The precise engraving of the name and initials of the brand and model numbers are all carried out via laser printing and precise CNC machining.


Heavy and light, small or big, all the equipment involves the use of CNC machining in one form or another. CNC plays a critical role in the construction of the major components of heavy machinery prototypes as this method of prototyping is both time and cost effective. The textures and size of nuts and bolts, the design of crowbars, blades, hammers Cast Iron Inserts are all result of equipment and tools that CNC machining helps to create. Once the prototypes are approved, the final production takes place which also relies on heavy usage of rapid machining and production.

With the demand for appearance prototyping on the rise and Wayken establishing itself as one of the pioneers in the country for prototyping, we are your number one solution to all your prototyping needs. Wayken excels in Plastic Prototype Machining, CNC aluminium machining, clear optical prototypes, and low volume manufacturing. At Wayken, we prototype your ideas into realities and make your products come to life. We openly invite you to book an appointment at Wayken and see your ideas lift off the ground in no time. Good products require great prototyping and that’s what we are here for.

How to fabricate fine Prototypes with PMMA injection molding?

Posted on Jan. 22th, 2019 | By Candy, WayKen Marketing Manager

Before diving deep into the topic, there is a need to understand what is PMMA and injection molding. PMMA is abbreviation of (poly-methyl methacrylate) and it is commonly called as acrylic. Although it as different other names like plexi-glass, Crylux, Acrylite, Lucite and many other. The demand of acrylic glass is increasing in manufacturing industry day by day because of its properties.In the modern Industrial era , Pmma (Acrylic)  has been widely used  in many applications  due to its natural transparency & clarity and the impact resistance of certain variants,  including lenses, acrylic nails, paint, security barriers, medical devices, LCD screens,  furniture, windows, tanks, and enclosures around exhibits.

PMMA or acrylic is thermoplastic with high transparency, high flexibility, and chemical resistant, weather-resistant and light weight. It is preferred over poly-carbonate (PC) because of its properties i.e. easy to process, low cost and flexibility. PMMA material is widely used in rapid manufacturing industries to fabricate fine prototypes. As acrylic is thermoplastic which means it can be liquefied at its melting point and can be restored to its original shape upon cooling. So, this feature of PMMA or acrylic makes it perfect for injection molding.

Acrylic is widely used material and perfect substitute of glass. Because of its moderate properties and low cost it is now becoming a prototyping material for different manufacturing industries and even it is highly used by student in universities for making their projects or prototypes for their future projects.

PMMA prototypes are in demand for any industry looking to come up with a stronger and cheaper alternative to expensive and brittle glass. PMMA material is perfect substitute of glass and very feasible then glass. Security barriers, LCD screens, windows, tanks, medical devices and lenses – all incorporate the use of PMMA instead of glass. With many industries choosing PMMA over other materials for its products, there is a significant rise of PMMA prototypes in the recent decade.

PMMA clear parts are an excellent substitute for glass. They are commonly used in aquariums at both commercial and residential scales. PMMA is also commonly used as viewing ports as well as complete pressure hulls for deep sea submersible because it is highly flexible, durable and low cost. The finished products made of its materials and pmma clear parts are also used in the lenses of the headlights and backlights of automobiles. Since it gives better protection against thrown objects, many safety vehicles such as that used for riot control often deploy PMMA as its main material for the windows. Many buildings use PMMA instead of glass for its windows due to its superior strength.

To grasp the attention of people, different automobile companies, manufacturing companies, furniture showrooms showcase their models made up of PMMA material because of futuristic looks of PMMA and PMMA material properties.

PMMA prototypes and its products are commonly used in the medical industry as well. Contact lenses and eyeglass lenses are often made using PMMA since they are less brittle as compared to glass. PMMA also has such good compatibility with human tissue that allows it to be used in the treatment of cataracts.  Parts made with PMMA have been widely used in bioprocess chromatography, treatment of tuberculosis and cosmetic surgeries etc. Along with these, for denture teeth, this is the best material of choice as well.

Technical namePoly-Methyl Methacrylate
Chemical name(C5H8O2)n
Melting Point130°C
Specific Gravity1.18
Shrink rate0.2 – 1%
Tensile strength65 MPa
Flexural strength90 MPa
Visible light Transmission92%
Standard Injection Mold Temperature130°C

Before PMMA prototypes, prototyping was a difficult task and it requires a lot of effort and expenses to fabricate a metallic prototype and poly-carbonate that which is harmful for human health as it has bisphenol-A. PMMA or acrylic is now in demand for fabricating flexible, light weight and scratch-resistant prototypes.

There usually two options for making clear and fine parts i.e. glass and acrylic and glass become useless when we move away from plane and flat surfaces. Now we are left with acrylic which is used to fabricate translucent and high finished plastic parts. There exist several techniques for the rapid production of PMMA clear parts and its prototypes. At Wayken, we incorporate various rapid prototyping techniques in order to make sure that you get your prototypes in the most cost and time effective way possible along with superb quality. Besides acrylic injection modling,  CNC machining is commonly used if any geometry is complex and requires hand polishing. In CNC machining, you can design prototype with huge complexities and with perfection.

At Wayken, we also excel at plastic optics and specialize in clear optical prototyping which is often the method of choice due to its rapid production, no waste material, ability to make complex parts and superior product finish.

Injection molding is another common method used for the rapid manufacturing of the prototypes. Low volume injection molding is ideal for 100 to 10,000 parts. Vacuum casting can also be used likewise. However, both these techniques are usually used for the lesser complex geometries. We will discuss PMMA injection molding in detail.

In injection molding process, material is first liquefied and change into molten form at high temperature and then injected into metallic dies under high pressure and then it id allowed to cool. After sometime, it gives you desired part of desired shape. PMMA injection molding is very popular and very effective manufacturing method for produce high quality plastic parts and prototypes. In this process, resin or PMMA material is heated at its melting point, when it is liquefied then it is injected under high pressure into metal dies and then cooled rapidly. After some time, it transforms into desired shape and then few finishing process is done on it to get what exactly is required. Injection molding process is widely used in different industries like electronics, manufacturing industry, automobile industry etc.

If you are looking for prototype in urgent and in haste then go for 3D prototyping but if you need functional and reliable parts then you should go for plastic injection molding. It is long stand assumption that when it comes to high volume production, injection molding is very expensive and non-reliable process while for prototyping or low volume production injection molding is suitable and reliable option.

The process involved many steps until a final prototype or product is fabricated. The first step in prototyping of plastic injection molded parts is design of part. In initial phase you have to determine the feasibility of product and its production and nothing to do with size of product.

After working on product design now move to engineering phase of productions. The parts have to be engineered so they can be easily produced in steel or metal dies. The parts are drafted and designed so they can easily cool and ejected from molds. In this process engineers have to set the wall thickness and proper design so that plastic or acrylic prototypes don’t get trapped while ejection. There should be proper place for gate, injection of molten material and to analyze the proper flow of molten material after injection. In short, an engineer has to design a proper channel to make successful prototype.

Now the next phase is designing the geometry of molds that give a shape to the part. The mold includes the pins that help in ejection of part after its formation and the flow of water lines in the mold that helps in cooling pf molten material in mold. The tool build is a way of creating molds. The design of mold is first Carbide Aluminum Inserts drawn on computer which is called computer aided drawing.

The inject molds often use steel but for production of injection mold prototype, Aluminum is used because it is best heat dissipater and it gets cool and heated very quickly. Another advantage of aluminum molds that it improves better flow of molten material in it and ultimately reduce risk of defective parts.

Steel molds are used when there is high production of molded parts. Steel molds are not compatible with prototype injection molding.

For the manufacturing of more complex and complicated molds, an expensive process is used which is EDM. There are two types of molds, single cavity mold and double cavity mold and they used according to per need.

In last the everything is ready for injection of molten material but it works well less often for Deep Hole Drilling Inserts first time. Everything needs to be checked and adjusted properly so that it work perfect in first run.

PMMA parts can be made from both injection molding and traditional machining process, but injection molding has several advantages as compared to traditional machining which is given below

It offers reliability in shape and size that you cannot achieve with traditional machining

It allows creating complex shapes that are impossible to be created with traditional machining

It can give you final parts on very short notice as compared to traditional machining

DryingPMMA should be dried before molding. Recommended temperature is 90 C for 2 hours
Melt Temperature245 C- 280
Mold Temperature40 C – 80 C
Injection SpeedNormal

Scandia Effect Tungsten Oxide Powder Reduction Process

Vacuum electronic devices have a wide application in civil and military fields such as communication, radar and industrial heating. Cathode is an important component in the device since it provides the required electronic beam for the device. Among all the electron emitters, scandate cathodes have aroused great attention among all the cathodes due to their copious emission property.

Scandia doped tungsten powders were prepared by spray drying combined with two-step hydrogen reduction. The particle size of doped tungsten powder, powder morphology and doped tungsten matrix were characterized by scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and laser diffraction particle size analyzer, respectively. The reduction behavior of Sc2O3 doped tungsten oxide and the effect of Sc2O3 on the property of tungsten powder were studied by the temperature programmed reduction. The experimental results showed that the precursor powders prepared by spray drying had spherical shape. The addition of Sc2O3 could decrease the reduction temperature of tungsten oxide. The scandia doped tungsten powder had sub-micrometer size in the range of 0.1 to1 μm and scandium distributed evenly in the powder. By using this kind powder, sub-microstructure cathode matrices with semispherical grains and homogenous distribution of scandium were obtained.

The addition of Sc2O3 shifted the hydrogen consumption peak to the lower temperature side. Namely, the reduction temperature of tungsten oxide decreased with Sc2O3 addition. Adding scandia could decrease the particle size of tungsten. The scandia doped tungsten powder prepared by spray drying method had sub-micrometer size in the range of 0.1μm to1μm in semispherical shape and scandium distributed evenly in the powder. Using scandia doped tungsten powder, sub-microstructure cathode matrices with semispherical grains and homogenous distribution of scandium was obtained.

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